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Don’t let the fear of rotator cuff injuries keep you from playing the game! With baseball season right around the corner, Massapequa Pain Management and Rehabilitation are here to remind you about some of the treatments we offer to help treat and prevent these injuries from developing. The unfortunate truth is those rotator cuff injuries are a common occurrence for most pitchers. In recent news, New York Yankees ace starting pitcher Luis Severino recently has been shut down (and will likely miss the start of the season) due to right rotator cuff soreness. This is a severe injury for young pitchers, and it needs to be treated with the utmost care!

Where is the rotator cuff located?

The rotator cuff consists of the tendons and muscles located around the shoulder joints. It’s not only responsible for making a great pitcher but also helps keep your upper arm bone well-positioned in its socket. Injuries to this area can create inflammation and discomfort, thus affecting pitching motion and the ability to deliver strikes. Pitchers who suffer from rotator cuff pain typically need to sit and rest for a prolonged period.   

How Rotator Cuff Injuries Develop

Rotator cuff disease is synonymous with activities or professions that require repetitive motions, such as baseball players, carpenters, or painters. These injuries can be excruciating and usually worsen over time. Rotator cuff tears can either be caused by one initial injury or can be the culmination of events over some time. Various factors can make someone more susceptible to rotator cuff injuries. These factors include age, occupation, specific sports/activities, and family history. Whether it is caused by one substantial injury or an increasing amount of wear-and-tear over time, it’s important to look out for the signs and symptoms of rotator cuff disease.


Some of the signs and symptoms of rotator cuff disease can include the following: Some of the signs and symptoms of rotator cuff disease can include the following:

  • Dull to deep aches in the shoulder(s).
  • Disturbances during sleep due to prolonged aches or pains in the shoulder(s).
  • Difficulty reaching your arms overhead.
  • General arm weakness or discomfort.


If rotator cuff injuries go untreated, it can lead to permanent loss of motion or sustained weakness in the shoulder joints. It’s crucial that you seek a Physical Therapists assistance if you feel that you are experiencing any of the above-listed symptoms. Through the use of our physical therapy and specifically designed exercise plans, you can help treat and prevent these injuries from happening in the future.

Get ahead of the game and contact us today to schedule an appointment with a member of our team here at Massapequa Pain Management and Rehabilitation!

January 2025